Dear Friends, (Submitted by Iris)
Because we are all family through God, many of our friends have expressed to us that they would like to hear the details of Les health since his recent stroke. I have tried to reconstruct the happenings and, of course, to thank everyone for their help in his recovery.
On the evening of April 13th, Les was on the phone with long-time friend and supporter of the ministry, Bill Gray. Fortunately, Bill noticed during the conversation that Les speech was becoming incoherent. After telling Les to hang up the phone, Bill was then able to reach family members and alert them to the situation. (Thank you, Bill, for that call!) The family called 911 and Les was transported by ambulance to Stigler where he was transferred to a Life Flight helicopter, which took him to an ER in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Les was not able to speak at first, although he understood all that was going on around him, which was very frustrating. Three days later, on the 16th, Les regained his ability to speak, a miracle over which our son Greg and I shed tears of relief and joy. Les was only in Ft. Smith for about 21 hours before being transferred again to Oklahoma City Heart Hospital. It was there on the 18th that Les had surgery to remove a portion of his carotid artery which was (at least) 90% blocked. The Doctor noted that it was some of the worst blockage he had seen. Here I must pause to thank Roberta, Ron, Beverly and Dick for all their help and encouragement while Les was in the hospital in OKC. The very next day, April 19th, Les was back home. Although he was (and still is to a degree) frail and weak, we are very aware that the situation could have been so much worse. Les has received so many encouraging cards, letters and phone calls, for which we are so grateful. Besides the office work, the staff also helped by bringing food and whatever was needed to Les and me. Thank you, Delena, Dayla, Cheryl, Debbie, Laura, Jerry, Esbeidy, Stormie, Kathy, and Hailey for everything. Les had his follow up appointment with his surgeon on June 5th. He left the office feeling so much better and with a more positive attitude, due to the encouraging report from the doctor. The doctor informed Les that he was almost to the half way mark in regaining his strength, so we are expecting him to be back to normal in about seven weeks with full strength and appetite. The doctor told Les that he had a double whammy with the stroke and a serious operation, so we praise the Lord that he is on schedule to recovery and doing so well. Please keep praying ... we cherish the prayers of the Saints so much!
What in the World (from Summer 2000 NL)
Luke 21:24 - The times of the Gentiles fulfilled.
Romans 11:25 - The fullness of the Gentiles.
Both of these statements are referring to the time of the end. As God told Abraham in Genesis 15:16, Israel could not take the Promised Land until the iniquity of the Amorites was full. In other words, God gave the Canaanite nations 400 years to turn from iniquity, but instead they went deeper and deeper into immorality in all its forms -- Leviticus 18. Now, God could, in all fairness, bring judgment upon the Canaanites in the form of giving their land to the Children of Israel. So also today, the Gentile world is filling the cup of iniquity with the same immoral acts, leading them to the final seven years of God's Wrath and Judgment.
Running concurrently is the Body of Christ, which also is being brought to the full. When it is, God takes it out and brings in the Wrath of God, culminating with Christs return and the opening of Israel's spiritual eyes. Everything in the world today is telling us that both are nearing the full mark. Western Europe, every day, is doing things that remind us of the Ancient Roman Empire. The Middle East is a disaster waiting to happen.
Into that scenario will step the Anti-Christ bringing a seemingly permanent peace. Even allowing Israel to rebuild a temple of sorts and restore the ancient temple worship. At the same time, God is calling out people and placing them in the Body of Christ. Even our small outreach is bringing in so many. One day soon, sooner than most realize, the Body will be complete and we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air - I Thess. 4:13-18.
Note from Laura
As most of you know, I am a fan of prophecy and I am constantly looking for the rapture and clues to when it might be. I don't read as much now as I used to but I still look for headlines and articles every day that support clues as given in the Bible. And in the last month or so, I have read three or four articles on the topic of convergence. An article by Britt Gillette titled " The Number One Prophetic Sign: Convergence " was excellent. In Matthew 24:33, it says "when you see all these things, you can know my return is near." Of course, he was talking about his second coming but nevertheless we can use them as clues to the rapture which will happen seven years earlier. There are several clues in Matthew 24 but there are clues given in other places in scripture also and it seems to me that almost every clue that is given can be seen in our headlines of our papers today. We know that Israel is back in the land and Jews are back in Jerusalem. We know there is an increase in travel and knowledge and we know that the clues are coming harder and faster all the time like birth pains. We know that Israel is surrounded by her enemies and that she has an exceedingly great army and we see the rise of the Gog alliance. Iran and Russia are thicker than fleas on a dog's back and we are watching Turkey all the time knowing eventually she will align herself with them. We also see the rise of united Europe and the rise of global government. Other clues include the total breakdown in the moral fiber around the world as well as a falling away from the truth in our churches. (Along with the rise of false teachers). Not to forget the crazy weather patterns we are seeing as well as unprecedented natural catastrophes. And then above all is that most people deny the signs. Peter tells us that in the last days people with mock the idea of Jesus's return. I am sure you can think up more clues than what I have listed in this short note which goes to show you just how very many clues are converging! Anybody that does not see it, does so because they do not want to see it. They are willfully ignorant.
Update: Jerry & Lorna Pool (submitted by Jerry)
We will be forever grateful that the Lord gave us opportunity to help with the little books, and to become part of Les Feldick Ministries. Lorna retired in 2007 after 33 years as a pastors secretary. She said she wore out five of them during that time. Upon retirement, Lorna began to do alterations, but she had to quit doing that due to tremors in her hands. I retired in 2000 and have been piddling around ever since. At present, I do a little Bible Study each week at the nursing home. Our whole family has been blessed with a lot of sickness and pain for the past few years, as most believers are. I say blessed because if we suffer we also will reign some day with Him. Like most though, we find his Grace is sufficient to take us to whichever comes first, the cemetery or the Rapture, which is the Blessed Hope we find in Titus 2:13.
As this note was submitted last year, Iris appended the update to inform everyone that Lorna had a stroke in January 2017, while already struggling with Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. She lost her memory & speech, but is slowly regaining some of it with a little help from rehab and a lot of help from our Lord. Please keep Lorna and Jerry in your prayers.
90 Years Blessed! Les Turned 90, June 6th, 2017! Thanks for all the birthday cards, calls, and letters!
Questions & Answers (from Spring 2000 NL)
QUESTION: What does I Timothy 4:10 mean? "For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men, specially of those who believe.
ANSWER: This goes back to what we have said on the program over and over. When Christ finished the work of the Cross, God forgave all men all their sin. It is a done deal. He also reconciled everyone to Himself. But, each individual has to appropriate that forgiveness and place of reconciliation by faith. The moment we believe it, God says you are forgiven. That is Grace!
QUESTION: Genesis 49:10, we read, "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come," Who is Shiloh?
ANSWER: Shiloh is another Old Testament term or title of Christ. In accordance with all other Scripture, the Nation of Israel will not disappear until Christ returns to the Mount of Olives. Zechariah 14:4, and His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east. Compare with Acts 1:11 - "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into Heaven.
QUESTION: In the light of Isaiah 65:17, do you think we will know each other in Heaven?
ANSWER: I would say yes based on II Samuel 12:23, where King David is mourning over the dead child born of his adultery with Bathsheba. He finally consoled himself with, "But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." Also, on the mount of transfiguration, Matthew 17:1-4, Peter, James and John immediately recognized Moses and Elijah.
QUESTION: Then what about loved ones who are not there?
ANSWER: I am sure our memories of them will be erased. It will be as if we never knew them. Otherwise, Heaven would be a place of intense sorrow. And it will not be.
QUESTION: For whom was Matthew 24 written?
ANSWER: Matthew 24 was spoken by the Lord Himself to the 12 as representatives of Israel. Consequently, Matthew 24 is all tribulation. Now that the Jews are back in the land, we can see everything being prepared for the final seven years of Daniel's prophecy - Daniel 9:27.
Note from the Office
Even though Les is improving, he will not be taking phone calls, answering letters, or receiving guests for the time being. His doctor stressed that it would take several months to rehabilitate and gain back his strength. We will update on the website and in the next newsletter if and when he is up to the task. Thank you for your understanding!
The annual Labor Day Picnic has been canceled because Beverly is unable to host the event. The good news is, we have celebrated 30 picnics in the past, giving us lots of warm and wonderful memories. We are so thankful for the food, fun and fellowship we have shared with other believers who are looking for that Blessed Hope!
Les Feldick Ministries 30706 W. Lona Valley Rd., Kinta, OK 74552
1-800-369-7856 or 918-768-3218
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